The Feminine Art of Holding Space

Join us for a Free Masterclass with Eyla Cuenca

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For any woman feeling called to serve her family, community, and the collective.

This 75-minute deep dive and connection call will help you remember and master the innate art of space holding. Come and be held in all your soft, feminine glory. Reconnect to your embodied inner compass and come home to the art of service. 

Immerse yourself in the ancient art of womaning.

Your service is NOT grounds for sacrifice   


When did it become acceptable to self-abandon, self-betray, or straight up sacrifice the needs of your body to make others comfortable?


At what point did it become “commonplace” for a woman to fry her nervous system in the name of her work?

Immerse yourself in the ancient art of womaning.

Your service is NOT grounds for sacrifice   


When did it become acceptable to self-abandon, self-betray, or straight up sacrifice the needs of your body to make others comfortable?


At what point did it become “commonplace” for a woman to fry her nervous system in the name of her work?

As women, we are the cauldron keepers for alchemy.

Our capacity to hold space for potential is what makes our existence so powerful and royal.

 Whether you’re holding space for the growth and evolution of your relationships...


…Or holding compassionate space for your children to feel heard and realized.
…Or expanding the field of permission and potential in your business, community, or family system.



Your service is an extension of your womanhood. It’s a foundational, natural, and very ancient, inherent power that you, as a woman, have the honour & privilege of possessing.



Unfortunately, so many of us have been conditioned to believe that in order to be of service, we need to take our own needs and desires out of the equation.


So we conform, overperform, self betray or sacrifice our needs in order to create opportunities for others. You may not even realize all the ways you leave your body or wreak havoc on your nervous system, just by the nature of wanting to do good in the world.



I see you, woman.


I’ve worked with hundreds of women who unknowingly gave their sovereignty over in the name of serving their employers, their communities, and yes, even their families — and it often resulted in them feeling bitter and resentful.
They’re tirelessly looking to strike the balance between their soft receptivity, and their strong capacity to contain and hold deep space — or keep up momentum in their career.
It’s easy to get stuck in the narrative that in order to be strong, you have to be rigid and closed.


But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.


The good news is: you can learn how to hold space for yourself, come into alignment with your desires, and restore your softness. And we’ll be covering exactly how to do this (in your work, your intimate relating, and beyond) in this empowering conversation!

Ready to wake up to your remembrance?


Enter into the field of Queen Consciousness, so you can restore and remember the power of your womanness.


Enter the Field

Don’t miss this opportunity to be deeply held in the remembrance of your feminine power.

The Feminine Art of Holding space will help you reveal the places where you might be: 


  • Depleting yourself by neglecting your own needs 
  • Trudging your way through life while starving for a deeper connection
  • Disconnected from your intuitive self — feeling trapped in a masculine way of working and walking in the world
  • Confusing containment with repression (hint: you don’t need to suppress yourself in order to hold beautiful space) 
  • Running off cortisol and pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion (in both your work and personal life)
  • Unable to hold space for others without completely losing yourself in the process 
  • Craving a deeper connection to your inherent femininity and longing for a softer, more traditional approach to serving your family and community
  • Disconnected or disassociated from your capacity to self regulate. Because no one modeled how to manage uncomfortable emotions, you tend to default to a fight/fight/freeze response 


Or a crunchy combo of all of the above.

This is for you if...


  • You’re looking to explore the ancient art of holding space, so you can tap into a softer more traditional side 
  • You want to master your nervous system, so you can show up as a powerful container (be it for pregnant women, your professional work, or for your community) 
  • You’re a mother who has given birth, and are now seeking ways to hold space for both you and your family 
  • You’re already a practitioner of some sort, and you’re seeking to call in new ways of working with and holding space for women
  • You’re on a journey to personal sovereignty, and looking to how you can sharpen your inner yes and no 
  • Or you’re being called to transform, and looking to be held in a field of inspiring women that will help catalyze your next big uplevel 


This transformative masterclass is for you!

Yes, this work has ripple effects. And will impact ALL areas of your life.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be deeply held in the remembrance of your feminine power.

The Feminine Art of Holding space will help you reveal the places where you might be: 


  • Depleting yourself by neglecting your own needs 
  • Trudging your way through life while starving for a deeper connection
  • Disconnected from your intuitive self — feeling trapped in a masculine way of working and walking in the world
  • Confusing containment with repression (hint: you don’t need to suppress yourself in order to hold beautiful space) 
  • Running off cortisol and pushing yourself to the brink of exhaustion (in both your work and personal life)
  • Unable to hold space for others without completely losing yourself in the process 
  • Craving a deeper connection to your inherent femininity and longing for a softer, more traditional approach to serving your family and community
  • Disconnected or disassociated from your capacity to self regulate. Because no one modeled how to manage uncomfortable emotions, you tend to default to a fight/fight/freeze response 


Or a crunchy combo of all of the above.

This is for you if...


  • You’re looking to explore the ancient art of holding space, so you can tap into a softer more traditional side 
  • You want to master your nervous system, so you can show up as a powerful container (be it for pregnant women, your professional work, or for your community) 
  • You’re a mother who has given birth, and are now seeking ways to hold space for both you and your family 
  • You’re already a practitioner of some sort, and you’re seeking to call in new ways of working with and holding space for women
  • You’re on a journey to personal sovereignty, and looking to how you can sharpen your inner yes and no 
  • Or you’re being called to transform, and looking to be held in a field of inspiring women that will help catalyze your next big uplevel 


This transformative masterclass is for you!

Yes, this work has ripple effects. And will impact ALL areas of your life.

Inside this 75-minute workshop + Q&A

You'll learn ALL about sovereignty, containment, and feminine spaceholding.

We'll explore:


  • All the ways you may be depleting yourself, from a lack of attending to your inner needs (and what you can do about it).
  • How you can strengthen your nervous system, so you can handle whatever energy comes your way, while staying deeply centred in yourself.
  • How you’ve been tricked into the trap of the masculine way, and how you can reclaim your feminine essence as the guiding light in your life.
  • The bridge between embodiment and containment. And how you can grow your capacity to hold space, while remaining IN your body.
  • The essence of “doulaship as service”. And how you can strengthen your capacity to serve the greater good, in whatever arena of life you choose.
  • How you can create cauldrons for service, in any area of your life.

Inside this free 75-minute workshop + Q&A


You'll learn ALL about sovereignty, containment, and feminine spaceholding.

We'll explore:


  • All the ways you may be depleting yourself, from a lack of attending to your inner needs (and what you can do about it).
  • How you can strengthen your nervous system, so you can handle whatever energy comes your way, while staying deeply centred in yourself.
  • How you’ve been tricked into the trap of the masculine way, and how you can reclaim your feminine essence as the guiding light in your life.
  • The bridge between embodiment and containment. And how you can grow your capacity to hold space, while remaining IN your body.
  • The essence of “doulaship as service”. And how you can strengthen your capacity to serve the greater good, in whatever arena of life you choose.
  • How you can create cauldrons for service, in any area of your life.
Save My Seat
“Thank you, Eyla. I'm so humbled to be Eyla's student and I feel an overwhelming gratitude to have been in her container. I experienced transformative growth here.”
—Melissa Boyles, Uncovering Birth Certified Doula

You can stay soft, centered, and grounded in your body in the most pleasurable and nourishing way — all while you support & hold space for others.

Society has trained us to turn away from the feminine


“Girl-boss” culture and “hustle mentality” have soaked our societal fabric to the point of perpetual burnout.


It’s old, outdated, and a major reason why so many women revert to their inner martyrdom (or a strong desire to burn it all down).


I see so many gifted practitioners and brilliant space holders fall into the trap of overworking, pleasing, and self abandoning to the point of burnout.


They have all the potential within them to create impact in their professions, families, and relationships — and yet they have no idea how to master their nervous system.


…So they work themselves to the point of resentment and martyrdom.


…Or ignore their inner no, in the name of “getting the job done” or pleasing others.


…Or they shut themselves down entirely — by either splitting off or numbing out, as a way to cope with their inner overwhelm.


We have adopted and sustained so many backwards behaviours when it comes to offering our service to the world. All of which feel largely tied to a masculine model that praises pushing forward over slowing down & listening.


The truth is: you can absolutely be in service (be it in business, space holding, parenthood or beyond), without pushing your cortisol levels in the process.

What we really need as women is an entryway to our feminine faculties. 

To remember the inherent power we already possess.
It’s not about attaining anything new. Seeking an answer “out there”, or getting rid of some part of ourselves. 

This is about embracing the inherent nature of who you are at the core. Of honouring the ancient art of holding space as a feminine being. 

Everything you need is already within you, and it’s time now to remember the strength of your inner compassThis is a chance to restore your relationship to your body’s wisdom. To learn how to listen to, tend to and honor your divine feminine form. 
It’s time to meet life in a way that supports, nourishes, and sustains your entire being, as you serve the ones around you from a full cup. 

Come feel the potency of this energy and be held in an alchemical field of expansion! 


I'm here to support your journey, friend…

What we really need as women is an entryway to our feminine faculties. 

To remember the inherent power we already possess.
It’s not about attaining anything new. Seeking an answer “out there”, or getting rid of some part of ourselves. 

This is about embracing the inherent nature of who you are at the core. Of honouring the ancient art of holding space as a feminine being. 

Everything you need is already within you, and it’s time now to remember the strength of your inner compassThis is a chance to restore your relationship to your body’s wisdom. To learn how to listen to, tend to and honor your divine feminine form. 
It’s time to meet life in a way that supports, nourishes, and sustains your entire being, as you serve the ones around you from a full cup. 

Come feel the potency of this energy and be held in an alchemical field of expansion! 


I'm here to support your journey, friend…

Meet your Holistic Birth Guide

 Eyla Cuenca

"Working with Eyla helped me to learn about our primal hardwiring, which we tend to dissociate from as a society. And it’s that primal hardwiring that we learn to tap into, which is much easier to do after some serious introspection, processing, healing, and resolving inner conflicts.


– Alexa

Ready to reclaim and remember the art of feminine space holding?

Claim my space

Come and be held in a cauldron for feminine alchemy

This uplifting and inspiring event is thoughtfully curated for you to rest into your receptivity. To soften inner rigidity, sharpen your containment, and create the necessary conditions for you to redefine how you meet your service or purpose in life.
You can empower yourself to hold space in a way that nourishes, supports, and sustains your nervous system.

Get ready to tap into your feminine depths as you expand into your greatest gifts and power. 

Let's radically redefine what it means to be of service, and experience the pleasure & potency that comes from working with your womanhood

Claim my space
“It's been beautiful. I'm so grateful. I really can't say it enough. Thank you so much, Eyla. It's such a beautiful space to be in. There's so much knowledge, courage, and confidence to be obtained and this is such a way to bring so much health and healing to the world.”


– Samantha
“ Eyla held space for us to dive into deep and expansive personal work. She really prepared us physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically to step powerfully into this work. I completed this training feeling more connected in my relationships, especially with myself and empowered on my path.”
– Lauralee (UB Doula Training Graduate)

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