Fertility support and education

Ancient, holistic wisdom in a disconnected culture.

Fertility isn't just about biology...


It's about understanding and honoring the natural rhythms of your body.


Imagine a time when fertility was revered as a sacred gift, celebrated through rituals, balanced diets, and spiritual connection. Right now, you can reconnect with this ancient wisdom and align with your body's natural processes to support your fertility.

Let's begin with tailored support for fertility

Book your session

Discover the psycho-emotional underbelly of fertility, pregnancy, & birth.


Whether you're just starting your journey or feeling discouraged along the way, get insights into the nutritional, lifestyle, and emotional aspects of fertility. Equip yourself with the tools you need to alchemize your fears & limiting beliefs.


Below are two powerful options to get you started...

The Containment Course

Containment: Finding & creating safety


Our relationship with ourselves is the most important one of all.

This offering is essential for integrating traumatic experiences of the past that are holding us back from having fulfilled relationships, experiences, and birth journeys. Man or woman, this course teaches you the foundation for rebuilding trust with yourself and your body.


I'm ready to create safety

Getting Pregnant After 35

Rewrite the script around easeful conception


You can get pregnant after 35…
You can birth easily after 35…
You can balance your hormones naturally…
And I am here 100% to support you in your process.

Get ready to tap into your wisdom, honor your body, and release whatever's holding you back. Together, let's find the liberation beyond our fear.


Get pregnant easefully

Pregnancy preparation:

Uncovering Birth Foundations Course


Everything you need to know for empowered conception.


This transformative and comprehensive course will educate you on overcoming fertility challenges, fear-driven beliefs, and birth traumas, empowering you to be fully prepared for your conception journey.


Reclaim your path to conception

Are you struggling with miscarriage, loss, or IVF trauma?


The journey to conception can be filled with challenges, but you don’t have to face them alone. Get 1:1 support after miscarriage, loss, or IVF trauma. I'm here to help you process, heal, and integrate these world-rearranging events that so often go un-alchemized. 


If you want a more self-led experience, the masterclass is right for you.
Get 1:1 personalized support
Private, self-led masterclass
Healing & holistic resources

Navigating Miscarriage with Compassion

A masterclass for empathetic healing.


Are you or someone you love navigating the profound challenges of miscarriage and loss? Whether you’re a doula, sister, friend, or someone who feels blindsided by their experience, this masterclass offers a path to understanding and healing.


Watch the masterclass now

Podcasts on fertility 

Get a holistic perspective on conception, fertility, and pregnancy.
Listen to more podcasts here

Interested in birth as a sacred rite of passage?


A holistic approach to fertility encompasses more than just physical health. It's about healing from fear-based programming, resolving limiting beliefs, and honoring conception, pregnancy, and birth as initiations into your power. Explore our resources for understanding and resolving health imbalances and catalyzing the body's self-healing potential.

Holistic health resources

Ready to break free from conventional fertility norms?


Empower yourself by combining ancient wisdom with modern, evidence-based practices. Gain clarity, trust, and a sense of sovereignty over your fertility journey.


Join the Sovereign Woman Circle Membership today.


Connect with your tribe



My personal recommendations to empower you on this journey of birth, parenting, and wellness.



Five star reviews...

All of our fertility offerings are personalized to meet you exactly where you are in your journey.


To explore everything Uncovering Birth has to offer, click the link below.

Uncovering Birth offerings

Fertility support and education


Ancient, holistic wisdom in a disconnected culture

Fertility isn't just about biology...


It's about understanding and embracing the natural rhythms of your body.


Imagine a time when fertility was revered as a sacred gift, celebrated through rituals, balanced diets, and spiritual connections. Today, you can reconnect with this ancient wisdom and align with your body's natural processes to support your fertility journey.

Let's begin with tailored support for fertility

Book your session

Discover the psycho-emotional underbelly of fertility, pregnancy, & birth.


Whether you're just starting your journey or feeling discouraged along the way, get insights into the nutritional, lifestyle, and emotional aspects of fertility. Equip yourself with the tools you need to alchemize your fears & limiting beliefs.

Below are two incredible options to get you started...

The Containment Course

Containment: Finding & creating safety


Our relationship with ourselves is the most important one of all.

This offering is essential for integrating traumatic experiences of the past that are holding us back from having fulfilled relationships, experiences, and birth journeys. Man or woman, this course teaches you the foundation for rebuilding trust with yourself and your own body.


I'm ready to create safety

Getting Pregnant After 35

Rewrite the script around easeful conception


You can get pregnant after 35…
You can birth easily after 35…
You can balance your hormones naturally…
And I am here 100% to support you in your process.

Get ready to tap into your wisdom body as you expand into pure possibility! Together let's find the liberation beyond our fear.


Get pregnant easefully

Pregnancy Preparation:

Birth Foundations Course


Everything you need to know for conscious conception.


This transformative course will educate you on overcoming fertility challenges, fear-driven beliefs, and birth traumas, empowering you to be fully prepared for your conception journey.


Reclaim your path to conception

Are you struggling with miscarriage, loss, or IVF trauma?


The journey to conception can be filled with challenges, but you don’t have to face them alone. 
Get 1:1 support after miscarriage, loss, or IVF trauma. I'm here to help you process, heal, and integrate these world-rearranging events that so often go un-alchemized. 


Conversely, if you want a more self-led experience, the masterclass below is right for you.
1:1 personalized support
Holistic resources

Navigating Miscarriage with Compassion


 Are you or someone you love navigating the profound challenges of miscarriage and loss? Whether you’re a doula, sister, friend, or someone who feels blindsided by their experience, this masterclass offers a path to understanding and healing.


Watch the masterclass now

Podcasts on fertility 

Get a holistic perspective on fertility, conception, birth, & pregnancy.
Visit the podcast library

Interested in birth as a sacred rite of passage?


A holistic approach to fertility encompasses more than physical health. It's about healing from fear-based programming, resolving limiting beliefs, and honoring conception, pregnancy, and birth as initiations into your power.

Explore our resources for understanding and resolving health imbalances and catalyzing the body's self-healing potential.

Holistic health resources

Ready to break free from conventional fertility norms?


Empower yourself by combining ancient wisdom with modern, evidence-based practices. Gain clarity, self-trust, and a sense of sovereignty over your fertility journey.


Join the Sovereign Woman Circle Membership today.


Stop going it alone



My personal recommendations to empower you on this journey of birth, parenting and wellness.



Five-star reviews...

All of our fertility offerings are personalized to meet you exactly where you are in your journey.


To explore everything Uncovering Birth has to offer, click the link below.

Uncovering Birth offerings