The essential role of men in birth

Your presence, emotional support, and practical assistance are pivotal for your partner's birth experience. 


Get the tools, perspectives, and skills you need to offer your woman (and yourself) containment, safety, and peace of mind during this rite of passage.

Studies have shown that the active involvement of a supportive partner can lead to shorter labors, fewer medical interventions, and a more satisfying overall birth experience.

Let's talk EDUCATION...

Birth is a natural unfoldment, but most of us have been conditioned to fear it. Get the knowledge and confidence to support your partner, understand normal physiological birth, & trust the process. 

Containment: Finding & Creating Safety


A mini-course that includes the foundation for how to create safety in your own body.


Unlock your inner strength

Uncovering Birth Foundations Course 


A comprehensive course for anyone wanting to be fully informed about childbirth.


Get informed on healthy birth

She cannot do this without you.


Research shows that the presence of a supportive partner during childbirth can reduce the need for pain relief by 36%, decrease the likelihood of a C-section by 23%, and significantly improve the overall birth experience for both the mother and the baby.

Let’s get you RESOURCED!


Being well-informed and prepared is key to being a supportive partner during the birth journey. Check out these podcast episodes to explore the practical & psycho-emotional aspects of holding space for your partner's pregnancy, birth, & postpartum.
Listen to more episodes

Do you need 1:1 SUPPORT?



  • Are you looking for practical ways to support your partner during pregnancy and birth?
  • Do you want to feel more confident and prepared for the birthing experience?
  • Are you interested in learning how to provide emotional and physical support effectively?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, 1:1 support is ideal for you. 

Each coaching session is designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to be an effective and supportive partner throughout the pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey.


Book a session



  • Are you and your partner looking to enhance your teamwork during pregnancy and birth?
  • Do you want to deepen your emotional connection as you prepare for birth?
  • Are you interested in learning how to support each other effectively?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, the Holistic Birth Guidance Container is for you.

Whether you’re preparing, navigating pregnancy, planning for birth, or adjusting to postpartum life, our support ensures you both feel confident, informed, and connected every step of the way.


Begin your journey



My personal recommendations to empower you on this journey of birth, parenting and wellness.



Empower yourself to become the rock your family needs.

The essential role of men in birth


Your presence, emotional support, and practical assistance are pivotal for your partner's birth experience. 


Get the tools, perspectives, and skills you need to offer your woman (and yourself) containment, safety, and peace of mind during this rite of passage.

Studies have shown that the active involvement of a supportive partner can lead to shorter labors, fewer medical interventions, and a more satisfying birth experience overall.

Let's talk EDUCATION...

Birth is a natural unfoldment, but most of us have been conditioned to fear it. Get the knowledge and confidence to support your partner, understand normal physiological birth, & trust the process. 

Containment: Finding & Creating Safety


A MINI-COURSE that includes the foundation for how to create safety in your own body.


Unlock your inner strength

Birth Foundations Course 


A comprehensive course for anyone wanting to be fully informed about childbirth.


Transform your birth experience

She cannot do this without you.


Research shows that the presence of a supportive partner during childbirth can reduce the need for pain relief by 36%, decrease the likelihood of a C-section by 23%, and significantly improve the overall birth experience for both the mother & baby.

Let’s get you


Being well-informed and prepared is key to being a supportive partner during the birth journey.
Check out these podcast episodes to explore the practical & psycho-emotional aspects of holding space for your partner's pregnancy, birth, & postpartum.
Listen to more episodes

Do you need 1:1 SUPPORT?




  • Are you looking for practical ways to support your partner during pregnancy and birth?
  • Do you want to feel more confident and prepared for the birthing experience?
  • Are you interested in learning how to provide emotional and physical support effectively? 


Book a session




  • Are you and your partner looking to enhance your teamwork during pregnancy and birth?
  • Do you want to deepen your emotional connection as you prepare for birth?
  • Are you interested in learning how to support each other effectively? 


Begin your journey



My personal recommendations to empower you on this journey of birth, parenting and wellness.



Empower yourself to become the rock your family needs.